Strange Frame: Love & Sax is a science fiction feature film created using cutout animation and written by Shelley Doty and GB Hajim. Directed by Hajim, the film was slated for 2012 release as the world's first animated lesbian-themed sci-fi film. Clips of the film debuted at the Los Angeles Bent-Con on December 3, 2011 and the complete film premiered in London on May 3, 2012.
^ "‘Strange Frame' to premier". Hawaii Tribune Herald. April 27, 2012. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
^ staff (November 11, 2011). "G.B. Hajim and Shelley Doty's ‘Strange Frame,' The World's First Animated Lesbian Sci-Fi Film". Huffington Post. Retrieved February 18, 2012.
^ Villarreal, Daniel (November 25, 2011). "Strange Frame: Quite Possibly The World’s First Lesbian Animated Film". Queerty. Retrieved April 27, 2012.
^ Frevele, Jamie (November 5, 2011). "How Would You Like to Help Strange Frame Finish Production?". The Mary Sue. Retrieved February 18, 2012.
^ Shavick, Lily (November 22, 2011). "Strange Frame’ 1st Animated Lesbian Film Debuts Exclusive Clips at Bent-Con". Retrieved February 18, 2012.Synopsis
Set at the end of the 28th century, the human race has long since abandoned a desolate earth, colonizing Jupiter's moons, particularly Ganymede. Most of the refugees fleeing earth did so in exchange for an agreement of indentured servitude, projected to last "at most" one or two generations. However, this proved untrue, and by the 28th century a large portion of the population are in permanent debt bondage from birth. Naia (Tara Strong) is one such debt slave, genetically modified to have enhanced lung capacity in order to survive harsher work environments.