Streetballers is a 2009 independent film by Matthew Scott Krentz. The film tells the story of a friendship between two junior college basketball players, one black, one Irish-American, both trying to use streetball as their escape. Jacob Whitmore, the black player is played by former University of Missouri basketball player Jimmy McKinney. Director Matthew Krentz plays the white basketball player John Hogan.
The film was shot in St. Louis, Missouri with an entirely local cast and crew. Krentz is from Webster Groves, one of the city's inner-ring suburbs.Synopsis
Two basketball players are drawn into the lures of crime and gambling on the courts of St. Louis, Missouri tough Northside neighborhoods. Constantly searching for sanity in the midst of alcoholism, racism, and drugs, John Hogan (played by the film director Matthew Scott Krentz)and Jacob Whitmore (played by Jimmy McKinney) find release and therapy while competing at one of the most competitive street courts in the U.S.