Sarge 'Nicotine' Crocket
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Last time anyone counted, fifty-three million people were dying every year, a hundred-fifty thousand every day, a hundred and seven every minute, and that was in normal times.
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In an us-versus-them world, someone puts up a flag, another person tears it down and puts up his own. Pretty soon no one remembers what started the war in the first place and the fighting becomes all about those stupid flags.
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Boy: She is really a babe, huh?
Sarge 'Nicotine' Crocket: You're too young. I'm too old. She's got issues, kid.
Boy: We'll see.
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Boy: In this armored truck? You just want the money.
Sarge 'Nicotine' Crocket: I've never been about money, okay? I've always been about staying alive and this tank gives us a shot at staying alive.
Kenny: This truck may be our savior, but it won't drive on water.