Surviving Evil (also known as Evil Island) is a 2009 horror film directed and written by Terence Daw, and produced by David Pupkewitz, Anton Ernst and Malcolm Kohll. It stars Billy Zane, Christina Cole, Natalie Mendoza and Louise Barnes. Six documentary filmmakers attempt to survive their visit to a Philippine island to shoot a survival special when they discover the shape shifting, bloodthirsty Aswang creature of the Philippine folklore inhabits the island.Synopsis
A team of six documentary filmmakers, Sebastian "Seb" Beazley (Billy Zane), Phoebe Drake (Christina Cole), Cecilia "Chill" Reyes (Natalie Mendoza), Joey "Tito" Valencia (Joel Torre), Rachel Rice (Louise Barnes) and Dexter "Dex" Simms (Colin Moss), arrive to spend six days shooting a wilderness survival special, Surviving the Wilderness, on the remote Mayaman Island, one of the seven thousand islands that make up the Philippine Archipelago. They set up camp, and it’s not long until ominous events begin to happen, eventually sparking their suspicion that the mythical Aswang creature inhabits the island.