Sweet November is a 2001 romantic drama film starring Keanu Reeves and Charlize Theron, reuniting the actors after their previous appearance as husband and wife in The Devil's Advocate. The film is based on an earlier version made in 1968 and written by Herman Raucher.
^ "SWEET NOVEMBER (15)". British Board of Film Classification. 2001-03-06. Retrieved 2013-03-03.Synopsis
Nelson Moss meets Sara Deever, a woman very different from anyone he has met before. His ignorance leads to her failing her driving test. She beguiles him and continually asks him to spend a month with her on the promise that she will change his life for the better. On the first night of November, after Nelson is fired and dumped on the same day, she sleeps with him, and the next day Chaz, a close friend of Sara's, arrives and identifies Nelson as Sara's "November".