Tanned Legs is a 1929 American Pre-Code musical comedy directed by Marshall Neilan and written by Thomas J. Geraghty based on a story by Louis Sarecky. The film starred Ann Pennington, Arthur Lake, June Clyde, Dorothy Revier, Sally Blane and Albert Gran. In its first year of operations, RKO attempted to take advantage of musicals as much as possible, and so the music of Oscar Levant and Sidney Clare was awkwardly inserted into this simple comedy script.Synopsis
Peggy is the daughter of Mr. Reynolds and his wife Sophie. Although married, both of the elder Reynolds are having romantic interludes with younger people, Mrs. Lyons-King and Roger Fleming, respectively. In addition, Peggy's sister, Janet, is infatuated with Clinton Darrow, a ne'er-do-well, who is only interested in the Reynolds' money, not in Janet. Peggy is in the only normal relationship, with her boyfriend, Bill.