Thank You, Jeeves! is a 1936 comedy film directed by Arthur Greville Collins and written by Stephen Gross and Joseph Hoffman. The film stars Arthur Treacher, Virginia Field, David Niven, Lester Matthews, Colin Tapley and John Graham Spacey. The film was released on October 4, 1936, by 20th Century Fox.
Although the film bears the same title as one of P.G. Wodehouse's novels, and the two leading characters are Jeeves (played by Treacher) and Bertie Wooster (Niven), the screenplay, by Stephen Gross and Joseph Hoffman, bears no similarity to any Wodehouse novel. In a letter to his friend Guy Bolton, written many years later (15 August 1973), Wodehouse wrote: "They didn't use a word of my story, substituting another written by some studio hack."
The film was re-edited for television in 1955, and broadcast in the series TV Hour of the Stars, under the title Thank You, Mr Jeeves.Synopsis
Lorsque « Bertie » Wooster exprime son désir de se rendre à Deauville à la recherche d'aventures romantiques, son majordome Jeeves lui signifie qu'il va quitter son service dès le lendemain matin, les derniers « exploits » de Bertie l'ayant mis en danger. Cette même nuit, une mystérieuse jeune femme, poursuivie par deux hommes, trouve refuge chez Bertie. Ils vont alors se trouver mêlés à une histoire d'espionnage industriel, pleine de péripéties.