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The Adventures of Shorty is a american film of genre Western directed by Francis Ford with Shorty Hamilton

The Adventures of Shorty (1914)

The Adventures of Shorty
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Directed by ,    
Genres Western

The Adventures of Shorty is the name of a 1914 Western short film featuring Shorty Hamilton, and the general name for the series of similar short films it started.

More than 30 two-reel "Shorty" titles were released between 1914 and 1917. All featured Hamilton as the "Shorty" character, a cowboy with a trained horse—his "remarkably intelligent horse, Beauty."

The films were initially produced by Thomas H. Ince, many were written by the veteran screenwriter C. Gardner Sullivan. The 1915 "Shorty's Ranch" was the last entry from the original producers, and after a year the series was revived by Monogram Pictures in January 1917. Directors in the series included Francis Ford and Jay Hunt. Aside from the trained horse, Hamilton's co-stars in the "Shorty" pictures included Enid Markey, Betty Burbridge, and Charles Ray.

The films placed "Shorty" into a series of improbable comic adventures: inheriting a harem, posing as a judge, joining the Secret Service, going to college, and confronting a wide range of characters including loan sharks, ghosts, and moonshiners.

In March 1917, a newspaper reviewer of the latest "Shorty" film wrote the following about Hamilton:Shorty Hamilton is a fascinating little chap who makes you want to clasp him by the hand and call him friend. He is a gifted actor who can make you laugh or lift you to the extreme pinnacle of nervous anticipation in the same breath. He never over-does anything and his extreme naturalness is refreshing. 'Shorty in the Tiger's Den,' is with us today and you will shake with laughter as Shorty tries to ride a motorcycle, which proves more uncontrollable to Shorty than a bucking pony.


Shorty Hamilton

Scott Sidney

(le shérif)
Gertrude Claire

(Mrs Cooley)
Gertrude Claire

(Mrs Cooley)
Cyril Gardner

Trailer of The Adventures of Shorty

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Source : Wikidata


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