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The Age of the Earth is a brésilien film of genre Drama directed by Glauber Rocha with Maurício do Valle

The Age of the Earth (1980)

The Age of the Earth
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Length 2h40
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Fantasy,    Horror,    Historical
Rating65% 3.287813.287813.287813.287813.28781

The Age of the Earth (Portuguese: A Idade da Terra) is an 1980 avant-garde film directed by Glauber Rocha.


Une projection symbolique et personnelle du Brésil contemporain. Le personnage principal, John Brahms, sorte d'Antéchrist annonce l'Apocalypse : « Ma mission est de détruire la Terre, cette planète petite et pauvre », clame-t-il. Face à lui, on retrouve quatre cavaliers aux allures de Christ, représentatifs de la diversité des races et des cultures : l'Indien, le Militaire, le Guérillero et le Nègre, ce dernier missionnaire d'une nouvelle espérance pour le Tiers-Monde…


Maurício do Valle

Antônio Pitanga

(Black Christ)
Tarcísio Meira

(Military Christ)
Geraldo Del Rey

(Revolutionary Christ)
Ana Maria Magalhães

(Aurora Madalena)
Trailer of The Age of the Earth

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Black God, White Devil, 1h55
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Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical, Crime, Western
Actors Geraldo Del Rey, Othon Bastos, Yoná Magalhães, Maurício do Valle
Rating71% 3.596333.596333.596333.596333.59633
The film starts in the 1940s, during another drought in the sertão, when ranch hand Manuel (Geraldo Del Rey) is fed up with his situation. His boss tries to cheat him of his earnings and Manuel kills him, fleeing with his wife, Rosa (Yoná Magalhães). Now an outlaw, Manuel joins up with a self-proclaimed saint who condones violence (at one point slaughtering a baby) and preaches disturbing doctrines. It is now Rosa who turns to killing and the two are on the move once again. And so it goes, the two running from one allegiance to another, following the words of others as they attempt to find a place in their ruthless land. Blending mysticism, religion, and popular culture in this symbolic and realistic drama, Rocha insists that rather than follow the external and obscure dogmas of culture and religion, man must determine his path by his own voice.
Antonio das Mortes, 1h35
Directed by Glauber Rocha
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Action, Historical, Crime, Western
Actors Maurício do Valle, Odete Lara, Othon Bastos, Hugo Carvana, Joffre Soares
Rating69% 3.493133.493133.493133.493133.49313
After the World War II, in the Brazilian sertão. A group of impoverished peasant mystics (beatos) gathered around Dona Santa (Rosa Maria Penna), a female spiritual figure, join in veneration of Saint George with an obscure figure named Coirana (Lorival Pariz). Coirana claims to have restarted the cangaço and seeks to take the revenge of Lampião and other cangaceiro martyrs, presenting the tale of Saint George and the Dragon in a contemporary class conflict context. They threaten the town of Jardim de Piranhas governed by Coronel Horácio (Joffre Soares) a blind and old cattle owner married to younger and attractive Laura (Odete Lara). Dr. Mattos (Hugo Carvana), the corrupt police chief of the town, hires Antônio das Mortes as a jagunço against Coirana and Antônio fatally wounds Coirana in a duel. However, Antônio is changed by his experiences with the poor, and so he then demands that the coronel distribute the food stored in a warehouse to the remaining cangaceiros. The colonel raged and sent Mata Vaca (Vinícius Salvatori) to kill Antônio das Mortes. But Antônio das Mortes with the help of his friend "Professor" (Othon Bastos) kills Mata Vaca and his jagunços. The coronel is killed by Antão (Mário Gusmão), the helper and possibly lover of Dona Santa in a scene reminiscent of Saint George slaying the Dragon iconography. The movie ends with Antônio das Mortes walking by the roadside, carrying on the struggle - in some ways hopeless or unending - which extends beyond the killing of the colonel and the expropriation of his land.
The Turning Wind, 1h35
Directed by Glauber Rocha
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama
Actors Antônio Pitanga
Rating70% 3.5389353.5389353.5389353.5389353.538935
In a village of xaréu (Kingfish) fishermen, whose ancestors came as slaves from Africa, persist old mystic cults connected to candomblé. The arrival of Firmino, a former inhabitant who moved to Salvador, running away from poverty, transforms the peaceable panorama of the place, and polarizes tensions. Firmino is attracted to Quota, but he is not able to forget Naína who, on her part, likes Aruã. Firmino orders dispatch against Aruã, that isn’t attained, in opposite to the village that sees the cut net, impeding the fishing. Firmino stirs up the fishermen to revolt against the owner of the net, coming to destroy it. Policemen arrive at the village to control the equipment. In his fight against exploitation, Firmino argues against the master, mediator between the fishermen and the owner of the net. A fisherman convinces Aruã of fishing without the net, since his chastity would make him a protected man of Iemanjá. The fishermen are successful in their piecework, under the leadership of Aruã. Naína reveals her impossible love for Aruã to an old black woman. In his defeat against mysticism, Firmino convinces Quota of taking away Aruã’s virginity, and consequently breaking the religious enchantment that makes him a protected man of Iemanjá. Aruã takes the bait. A storm announces the “barravento”, the violent moment. The fishermen leave for the sea, two of them die, Vicente and Chico. Firmino denounces Aruã’s loss of chastity. The Master reneges. The dead bodies are guarded, and Naína accepts to make the ritual, so she can marry Aruã. He promises the marriage, but before he decides to leave for the city to work and to earn money for the purchase of a new net. In the same place where Firmino arrived at the village, Aruã leaves for the city.
Cutting Heads, 1h35
Directed by Glauber Rocha
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Francisco Rabal, Pierre Clémenti, Emma Cohen, Luis Ciges, José Lifante, Víctor Israel
Rating59% 2.988852.988852.988852.988852.98885
Le film s'appuie sur le matériau fictionnel de Terre en transe (1967). On est encore dans une contrée imaginaire appelée l'Eldorado. Díaz II en est aussi le souverain. Mais, c'est un despote finissant. Le réalisateur dresse, en voix off, un rapide panorama de l'histoire du pays dans lequel sont allusivement évoquées les menées d'une mystérieuse "Compagnie d'Exploitation Internationale", dirigée par un milliardaire américain. Díaz n'a plus toute sa raison, et nous sommes en pleine apocalypse. Il perçoit la menace d'un soulèvement de ses anciennes victimes : les Indiens, les paysans pauvres... tandis qu'un berger/ange de la mort, faiseur de miracles et coupeur de têtes tout à la fois, fascine son imagination et terrorise sa conscience. Le monarque enlève alors une belle paysanne, symbole de pureté, et organise au château une cérémonie aux allures de funérailles. Mais, le berger tranche la tête du roi et libère la paysanne.
The Lion Has Seven Heads, 1h35
Directed by Glauber Rocha
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Politique, Political films
Actors Rada Rassimov, Giulio Brogi, Gabriele Tinti, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Hugo Carvana
Rating62% 3.138963.138963.138963.138963.13896
In the late 1960s, a white preacher in Africa announces the world is due to end soon as he has captured an emissary of the devil. Rather than an emissary, the man is a Latin American revolutionary who supports the local liberation movement. The man escapes from the preacher and contacts a local liberation leader and offers him assistance in the local's fight against Imperialism.
Entranced Earth, 1h55
Directed by Glauber Rocha
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Seafaring films, Politique, Transport films, Political films, Films about Latin American military dictatorships
Actors Jardel Filho, Paulo Autran, José Lewgoy, Glauce Rocha, Paulo Gracindo, Hugo Carvana
Rating72% 3.646053.646053.646053.646053.64605
L'action se déroule dans un pays imaginaire, l'Eldorado, qui offre, cependant, des similitudes avec le Brésil des années 1960. Au plus fort d'une époque en crise, le poète Paulo Martins est écartelé entre ses aspirations politiques et sa passion artistique. À l'agonie, il évoque, à présent, son parcours. Il a servi deux leaders politiques. L'un, Dom Porfirio Diaz, l'a protégé, utilisant son talent littéraire à des fins de pouvoir. Pourtant, Paulo Martins le trahit pour rejoindre ses adversaires politiques groupés autour de Don Felipe Vieira, dirigeant populiste et démagogique. Après son élection comme gouverneur, Vieira, confronté à l'inconsistance des promesses faites aux paysans pauvres, finit par utiliser Paulo Martins à des fins policières. Désabusé, le poète se replie sur lui-même et sur ses premières amours avec une fiancée bourgeoise présentée, autrefois, par Dom Porfirio Diaz, commettant une infidélité à l'égard de Sara, militante de l'autre camp... Mais, Sara et ses camarades l'enjoignent et le convainquent de les rallier à nouveau. Il trahit une seconde fois Diaz et de façon plus grave. Ce dernier réussit, cependant, à être couronné. Quant à Paulo Martins, « sa quête conjointe de la "justice et de la beauté" le vouera donc à un destin de déchirure, de trahisons successives de lui-même et de ses amis (et de ses amantes), et finalement à ne pouvoir dépasser l'horreur et le dégoût que dans la mort et le sacrifice.
Ganga Zumba, 1h40
Directed by Carlos Diegues
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Antônio Pitanga, Léa Garcia, Eliezer Gomes
Rating65% 3.268753.268753.268753.268753.26875
C'est l'histoire de Ganga Zumba, le chef du Quilombo dos Palmares.