The Bad Education Movie is a 2015 British comedy film directed by Elliot Hegarty and written by Freddy Syborn and Jack Whitehall.
The movie is based on Whitehall's sitcom of the same name, and follows a similar plot-line, with young teacher Alfie Wickers' (Jack Whitehall) ineptly trying to supervise and occasionally educate Form K.
Filming for The Bad Education Movie took place over five weeks, commencing 23 February 2015. The film was theatrically released in the United Kingdom on 21 August 2015 by Entertainment Film Distributors.Synopsis
Alfie Wickers (Jack Whitehall) has taken Class Form K on a school trip to Amsterdam. Unbeknownst to him, Mitchell (Charlie Wernham) had spiked his Crepe with magic mushrooms, causing Alfie to hallucinate, thinking Jing was a panda and was convinced that the Anne Frank dummy was alive, causing him to steal it from the museum (parodying ET) and ends up in a canal.