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The Blind Woman of Sorrento is a film of genre Drama directed by Nunzio Malasomma released in USA on 2 august 1936 with Dria Paola

The Blind Woman of Sorrento (1934)

The Blind Woman of Sorrento
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Released in USA 2 august 1936
Length 1h8
Directed by
Genres Drama
Rating59% 2.959062.959062.959062.959062.95906

The Blind Woman of Sorrento (Italian:La cieca di Sorrento) is a 1934 Italian drama film directed by Nunzio Malasomma and starring Dria Paola, Corrado Racca and Dino Di Luca. It is an adaptation of the 1852 novel of the same title by Francesco Mastriani. The novel has been adapted into film on two other occasions: the 1916 silent The Blind Woman of Sorrento and The Blind Woman of Sorrento.


Dria Paola

(Beatrice di Rionero)
Corrado Racca

(Prof. Filippo Morisoni)
Dino Di Luca

(Ernesto Basileo, il notaio)
Anna Magnani

(Anna, la sua amante)
Carlo Duse

(Emisario borbonico)
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