The Breakup Girl is an American comedy-drama film, written and directed by Stacy Sherman, making it her feature film directing debut. The film stars Shannon Woodward, Wendi McLendon-Covey, India Menuez, Joe Lo Truglio, Mary Kay Place, and Ray Wise. The film is executive produced by The Hunger Games screenwriter Billy Ray. Film may also been referred to as its original working title Claire's Cambodia.
The film was released on iTunes and other VOD streaming services on July 10, 2015.Synopsis
This "sibling comedic drama" revolves around three estranged sisters whose resentment and envy of one another is barely dented by the news that their father (Ray Wise) is terminally ill. The three sisters are: Claire (Shannon Woodward) who is dumped by her boyfriend on her birthday; Sharon (Wendi McLendon-Covey), the oldest and seemingly most settled; and Kendra (India Menuez), the youngest and emotional one.