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"And this woman, she came up to me, and she said, in a German accent… "Will you take my picture?" I was like, "Your picture? Woman, I'm going to kill myself… Can't you see the tears pouring down of my face?" — Jumper Kevin Hines, who survived the jump in 2000.
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"I'll never be able to sort of drive across bridge again without...some kind of...emotional reaction. Something else I'm pissed off at him about. Such a great bridge." — Gordon Smith, roomate of David Paige, who jumped April 28, 2004.
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"Why he chose the Bridge? I don't know… Maybe he just wanted to fly one time." — Caroline Pressley, friend of Gene Sprague, whose suicide is shown last in the film.
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"He walked across the bridge from the south to the north side and then from north to south, which are typically tourists. I did not think the bridge jump, but it must have something about him that caught my attention." — director Eric Steel of Gene Sprague.