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The witches, the wise women, and the healers were also always the counselors. It's a whole other tradition of knowledge and learning that has been suppressed because it had political implications.
Friedrich von Spee
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Why do you search so diligently for sorcerers? Take the Jesuits, all the Religious Orders and torture them. They will confess. If some deny, repeat it a few times. They will confess. Should a few still be obstinate, exorcize them, shave them, only keep on torturing. They will give in. Take the Doctors, the Bishops of the Church. They will all confess.
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New laws proclaimed that any woman who dared cure without having studied was a witch and must die. Since most women were barred from University, the rise of the male medical profession was guaranteed. It was the testimony of male doctors that sent many to their death.
On laws against women in the period of the Inquisition