The Cabin in the Mountains is a 2014 Chinese suspense crime film written and directed by Gary Tang. The film stars Gregory Wong, Sienna Li, Mark Du, Ava Yu, A.Lin Pei, Sukie Wing-Lee Shek, Wei Yuhai, and Gu Shangwei. It was released in China on Valentine's Day.
, 1h33 OriginHong kong GenresRomance ActorsAva Liu-Yu-Kiu, Timmy Hung, Gregory Wong, Kelvin Kwan Rating41% The story follows four women who hit the Hong Kong night-life district of Lan Kwai Fong, looking for excitement and love. Jeana (from the first movie) is now a model in an open, non-committed relationship with Jacky (also from the first movie), and continues with her party-hard night lifestyle. Her friend Sara, feeling neglected by her fiance, looks for excitement by hitting the clubs again. Papa is an ugly duckling who works as an infants' school teacher by day and rushes home to go clubbing at night, hoping to find a guy who will love her. Jolie is a rich orphan who is looking to have fun, having just come back from England during her university holidays.
, 1h37 OriginHong kong GenresDrama ActorsShiga Lin, Pal Sinn, Gregory Wong, Miki Yeung, Race Wong, Ava Liu-Yu-Kiu Rating47% The movie follows three budding couple who frequent the Lan Kwai Fong nightlife: alcohol marketing distributor Steven, club manager Jacky, Lan Kwai Fong newbies (flight attendants) Jennifer and Jeana, local man eater Cat and lawyer Sean.