Manèges is a French film directed by Yves Allégret and released in 1950. The film stars Simone Signoret (married at the time to Allégret, although the marriage came to an end soon after), Bernard Blier and Jane Marken. It is shot in black-and-white in film noir style, with extensive use of flashback and the voiceover of characters' unspoken thoughts. Manèges is noted for the exceptionally harsh and cynical manner in which Allégret delineates the characters of his two female leads, and has been accused of being misogynistic in tone.
The film was released in English-speaking markets under various titles, including The Wanton, The Cheat and The Riding School.Synopsis
Robert (Bernard Blier), a riding school owner, and his wife Dora (Simone Signoret) have a seemingly happy marriage until Dora is critically injured in a road accident. Robert and Dora's mother (Jane Marken) rush to the hospital to which she has been taken. Believing she is about to die, Dora spitefully asks her mother – a vulgar, tawdry and heavy-drinking woman – to put Robert in the picture regarding the true nature of the marriage, so that she can die gloating over his distress.