The Constant Husband is a 1955 British comedy film, directed by Sidney Gilliat and starring Rex Harrison, Margaret Leighton, Kay Kendall, Cecil Parker, George Cole and Raymond Huntley. The story was written by Gilliat together with Val Valentine, and the film was produced by Individual Pictures, Gilliat's and Frank Launder's joint production company. Because the film got caught up in the 1954 bankruptcy of British Lion Film Corporation, it wasn't released until more than seven months after it had been finished and reviewed by the British Board of Film Censors.Synopsis
A man (Rex Harrison) wakes up in a hotel room in Wales, suffering from amnesia. He has no recollection of who he is or where he comes from. With the help of mental specialist Doctor Llewellyn (Cecil Parker), he manages to trace himself back to his wife and home in London, but soon discovers that she is just one of his many wives in his many homes all over the country.