Doug Dorsey
Kate Moseley
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Anton Pamchenko: Man and woman make flower. Douglas, you are stem. Katya, you are petal. Together, we make flower.
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Rick Tuttle: I wanna see your ass in the air!
Kate Moseley: Until Hercules here learns how to lock his grip, this will have to do!
Kate lifts up her skirt, showing her butt, and skates around the rink]
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Doug charges down the ramp to the arena, late for his Olympic hockey game]
Calgary cop: Name, son.
Doug Dorsey: Dorsey, U.S. Hockey!
Calgary cop: Hell, son, they're just about to start!
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Anton Pamchenko: Jack, she is tremendous skater. Everyone is saying this. La petite, powerful, intelligent. But always is coming the big "B". What a bitch!
Jack Moseley: What about Spindler?
Anton Pamchenko: Spindler? Spindler say before he skate with her, he wear garlic from neck and sleep with cross. Who is left? [
speaks in Russian] I am at bottom of barrel.
Jack Moseley: Then you find another barrel.
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Kate Moseley: Just who the hell do you think you are?
Doug Dorsey: I know exactly who I am, sweetheart. I'm a guy who came a long way for lunch.
Kate Moseley: Well, please don't let me keep you from the trough.
Doug Dorsey: ["addressing Anton"] Hey, I'm sorry, buddy. I wouldn't wish this on a snake. I'm outta here.
Anton Pamchenko: [
shouts in Russian] Enough! Introduction is over, conversation finished! Mouths closed, ears to be opened. [
addressing Kate] Pair means...
two! You have no partner. You are skating nowhere. [
addressing Doug] And where are you going, eh, back to Siberia? Skating on small pond is big excitement, but believe me -- Gretsky --I am last person who is coming too look for you. Good. We skate!
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Kate Moseley: I told you this was ridiculous. [
to Doug] Would you please put me down?
Doug drops Kate on her rear]
Kate Moseley: [
shouting] You, you cretin!
Doug Dorsey: Guess that move needs some work.
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Kate Moseley: If you're so bored, why don't you read?
Doug Dorsey: You mean, like a book?
Kate Moseley: That is the generally accepted format, yes. What was the last book you read? You were in college?
Doug Dorsey: The last thing I read was a letter canceling my scholarship when I couldn't play anymore.
Kate Moseley: Okay, high school.
Doug Dorsey: I was a hockey player. The only thing I had to read was a scoreboard.
Kate Moseley: And they graduated you?
Doug Dorsey: They revered me. I was a god.
Kate Moseley: What a tragic commentary on our times.
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Doug Dorsey: Well, actually, it's kind of interesting.
Woman in bar: I'll bet.
Drunk: Tell him.
Woman in bar #2: We're waiting.
Doug Dorsey: I've been, I've been doing a little figure skating.
Drunk: Damn.
Man in bar: What did he say?
Walter Dorsey: You been doin' what?
Old man back in bar: Finger painting?
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After Doug has just told Walter he's "been doing a little figure skating"]
Walter Dorsey: Are they gonna make you shave your legs?
Doug Dorsey: You know what? I don't even know why I asked!
Walter Dorsey: [
laughs] Gotcha!
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Doug is carrying Kate's flowers and walking her back to her room; The long program is the next day]
Doug Dorsey: Man, this overnight thing is brutal. Why can't it be a double header, you know? Short program, long program. Same night, boom, we're outta here, you know what I mean?
Kate Moseley: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
Doug Dorsey: It's like, enough already! It's like...what's the word? Uh, you know what word I'm looking for? You know what I mean?
Kate Moseley: [
trying to open her door] I don't know, uh, expectation?
Doug Dorsey: No, no, when you, uh...
Kate Moseley: Anticipation? Excitement?
Doug Dorsey: Foreplay!
Kate Moseley: [
looks up in shock, stunned] Foreplay?
Doug Dorsey: Yeah, you know, like foreplay.
Kate Moseley: Yeah, I know what it means.
Doug Dorsey: Well, wouldn't you rather just get right to it?
Kate Moseley: What?
Doug Dorsey: Skating. Long program.
Kate stares, wild-eyed]
Doug Dorsey: Chicago? Nationals? [
holds up her bouquet] Flowers?
Kate Moseley: [
still stunned, takes her flowers] Sleep. I'd rather sleep.
She goes into her room, leaving Doug very confused]
Doug Dorsey: Sleep?
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Kate Moseley: God's gift to reckless abandon revealed as nothing but a prude in wolf's clothing.
Doug Dorsey: You're a lousy drunk.
Kate Moseley: And you're a lousy date.
Doug Dorsey: It didn't have to be like this.
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Doug chases Kate into the hotel elevator]
Doug Dorsey: Kate! Kate, will you wait a minute?
Kate Moseley: Don't! Don't even try! Just looking at you makes me sick! To think I was coming to apologize! Lorie Peckarovski!
Doug Dorsey: Hey -- were you, or were you not, engaged to be married until last night?
Kate Moseley: Hardly the point...
Doug Dorsey: You threw me out of your room!
Kate Moseley: Count your blessings. She may not have waited much longer!
Doug Dorsey: That's not how it happened!
Kate Moseley: Spare me the details.
Doug Dorsey: Where the hell do you get off?
Kate Moseley:
Doug Dorsey: This is my fault? From the first day I walk into your rink, you treat me like a hired hand! Then one night, you get drunk, I'm supposed to roll over and thank my lucky stars? Sorry, I don't downshift that fast!
Kate Moseley: Get out of my way!
Doug Dorsey: No problem! I've been practicing that move for a year and a half!
Kate runs out of the elevator; people are laughing at them]
Doug Dorsey: Blind date...
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Kate Moseley: It's in.
Doug Dorsey: It's out.
Kate Moseley: It's in.
Doug Dorsey: It's out!
Kate Moseley: It's in!
Doug Dorsey: What difference does it make?
Kate Moseley: The difference is...I'm in the mood to kick a little ass.
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Doug Dorsey: You didn't have to.
Kate Moseley: Yes, I did.
Doug Dorsey: Why?
Kate Moseley: Because I love you.
Doug Dorsey: Just remember who said it first.
They kiss ]