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The Damnation of Faust is a french film of genre Drama directed by Georges Méliès

The Damnation of Faust

The Damnation of Faust
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Genres Drama,    Fantastic,    Horror
Rating57% 2.8629452.8629452.8629452.8629452.862945

La Damnation de Faust est un film réalisé par Georges Méliès, sorti en 1898.
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Suggestions of similar film to The Damnation of Faust

There are 415 films with the same director, 68612 with the same cinematographic genres (including 300 with exactly the same 3 genres than The Damnation of Faust), 3362 films with the same themes (including 197 films with the same 2 themes than The Damnation of Faust), to have finally 70 suggestions of similar films.

If you liked The Damnation of Faust, you will probably like those similar films :
The Devil in a Convent, 3minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Georges Méliès
Rating63% 3.1954653.1954653.1954653.1954653.195465
Un prêtre marche en priant dans un couvent puis sort de scène. Un diable apparaît dans le baptistère. Il tire les cloches, et se change en prêtre lorsque passent plusieurs religieuses. Il doit alors leur faire la messe. Il se rechange alors en diable. Effrayées, elles s’enfuient, alors que lui fait disparaître le baptistère et les chaises. Il fait ensuite apparaître des gargouilles et des diablotins. Une immense figure diabolique apparaît, se change en grosse grenouille, et le diable la chevauche sous les applaudissements de ses affidés, qui se sont saisis de leur fourche et dansent. Finalement, les religieuses avec leurs croix font tout disparaître. Le diable se bat alors avec un gentilhomme, puis avec le prêtre. Une cérémonie religieuse arrive, avec un ange armé, qui terrasse le diable.
The Haunted Castle
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Fantastic, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Georges Méliès, Jehanne d'Alcy
Rating62% 3.1351653.1351653.1351653.1351653.135165
Two men enter a room in a castle; one offers a chair to the other, and then exits. The remaining man attempts to sit down, but the chair moves away from him and he falls to the ground. When the man approaches the chair, it turns first into a ghost, then a skeleton, and then an armored knight; then it disappears completely. Turning, the man finds himself confronted by Satan. He attempts to escape, but his way is blocked by a ghost.
The Infernal Cauldron, 1minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Georges Méliès
Rating65% 3.29273.29273.29273.29273.2927
In a Renaissance chamber decorated with devilish faces and a warped coat of arms, a gleeful Satan throws three human victims into a cauldron, which spews out flames. The victims rise from the cauldron as nebulous ghosts, and then turn into fireballs. The fireballs multiply and pursue Satan around the chamber. Finally Satan himself leaps into the infernal cauldron, which gives off a final burst of flame.
The Merry Frolics of Satan, 17minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Georges Méliès
Rating67% 3.3890553.3890553.3890553.3890553.389055
L’ingénieur anglais William Crackford, amateur de records de vitesse, vend son âme à l’alchimiste Alcofrisbas – qui n’est autre que Satan – en échange de pilules magiques qui lui permettent de voyager selon ses désirs. Après une chevauchée céleste en compagnie de son valet John, avec un cheval apocalyptique et une voiture astrale, Crackford, entraîné aux enfers par Satan, finit sur un tourne-broche.
The Treasures of Satan, 2minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film, L'Or
Actors Georges Méliès
Rating55% 2.7530152.7530152.7530152.7530152.753015
In a room in a medieval castle, Satan examines six money bags, and then locks them in a large chest. A blond man, creeping into the room on his knees, jumps toward the table where he expects to find the money bags. Realizing the money is in the chest, he forces it open, but the lid slams down on his fingers. When he opens it again, the money bags are jump and frolicking of their own accord. The man slams the lid down and sits on it, but he falls off when six young women in devilish outfits emerge one by one from the chest. They transform the money bags into spears and chase the man around the room; when the man tries to take refuge in the chest, it magically changes position. The women disappear, but the chest itself comes to life before transforming into a demon and tormenting the man. Satan and the demon throw the man in the safe, and they and the women dance around it as fire and smoke issue from it. Finally, the safe explodes to reveal the original money bags, safe and sound.
The Haunted Castle, 2minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès, George Albert Smith
Origin France
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about religion, Demons in film, Vampires in film
Actors Georges Méliès, Jehanne d'Alcy
Rating66% 3.344463.344463.344463.344463.34446
The film opens with a large bat flying into a medieval castle. The bat circles the room, before suddenly changing into Mephistopheles, an incarnation of the Devil. Mephistopheles produces a cauldron and an assistant, who helps him conjure a woman from the cauldron.
Satan in Prison, 5minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Georges Méliès
Rating58% 2.948422.948422.948422.948422.94842
The film features Méliès in a room which is intended to be a cell and he finds ways to cure his boredom by performing tricks, such as vanishing and magically appearing picture frames and sudden appearing fireplaces and dinner tables with wine. Towards the end of the film he appears as Satan and tricks his guards by disappearing in a blanket.
Faust and Marguerite, 4minutes
Directed by Georges Méliès
Origin France
Genres Fantastic
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film
Actors Georges Méliès
Rating56% 2.8042952.8042952.8042952.8042952.804295
En échange de son âme, Méphistophélès rend la jeunesse au docteur Faust. Il séduit Marguerite en lui offrant des bijoux, tandis que Méphistophélès joue de la mandoline. Faust tue Valentin, frère de Marguerite en duel. Celle-ci regrette d'avoir été tentée, se repent et meurt. Alors que Méphistophélès emmène Faust en enfer, (ils disparaissent sous la scène, grâce à une trappe), Marguerite, elle, monte au ciel.