The Dark Man (AKA Man Detained) is a 1951 British black and white thriller film, written and directed by Jeffrey Dell, and starring Edward Underdown, Maxwell Reed and Natasha Parry.Synopsis
The film opens with ruthless killer The Dark Man (Maxwell Reed) murdering Mostyn, a petty criminal, at a farm house in a lonely wood. He shoots the taxi driver who drove him to Mostyn’s farm house, as he would be able to identify the Dark Man. But this murder is witnessed by a passerby: Molly (Natasha Parry), a young actress. The Dark Man now seeks to kill her as well. The police are called, and Inspector Viner (Edward Underdown) is put on the case. He soon develops romantic feelings for Molly. Meanwhile, the Dark Man continues to stalk his prey, and is foiled in an attempt to strangle Molly at her home, but for how much longer can he be outwitted?