The Devil's in the Details is a 2012 American thriller film directed and written by Waymon Boone. The film encircles an Arizona military veteran suffering post-trauma from a military experience when he gets caught up in a Mexican cartel's drug mule plot. It stars Ray Liotta, Emilio Rivera, Joel Mathews, Raymond J. Berry, Noel Gugliemi, Lane Garrison and Jake Jacobson.Synopsis
Thomas Conrad (Joel Mathews), a supermarket manager and military ex-soldier, has trouble re-adjusting to a normal life in Nogales, Arizona. For over 6 months, he has been tormented by post-traumatic stress disorder from a terrifying experience serving his country overseas. Enduring issues with his family, he has also separated himself from his wife Selina (Jenna Lyng) and daughter Chloe (Ava Acres). Recommended to undergo rehab, he visits ex-Navy Seal and psychiatrist, Dr. Robert Michaels (Ray Liotta), who helps him identify the moments leading up to his condition.