The Emperor's New Clothes is a 2001 film that was adapted from Simon Leys's novel The Death of Napoleon. Directed by Alan Taylor, the film stars Ian Holm as Napoleon (his third performance as that person, after Napoleon and Love and Time Bandits) and Eugene Lenormand, a Napoleon look-alike, Iben Hjejle as Nicole 'Pumpkin' Truchaut and Tim McInnerny as Dr. Lambert. The plot re-invents the history surrounding Napoleon Bonaparte's exile to St. Helena following his defeat at Waterloo.
In 2002, it won the Audience Award for Best International Feature Film at the Florida Film Festival.Synopsis
In 1821, Napoleon Bonaparte (Holm), after six years in exile on the isle of St. Helena, has a plan to escape. Switching places with lowly French deckhand Eugene Lenormand (Holm again), Napoleon will make his way to Paris, at which time Eugene will announce the switch, allowing Napoleon to reclaim his throne.