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Now the sun will be up in an hour or so, and we can all get out of here together. You, me, Linda, Shelly. Hmm... Well... not Shelly, see? We'll all be going home together. Wouldn't you like to be going home? I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? Scott?
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[after being raped by the trees and running back to the cabin] "No, no it was the woods themselves! (sobbing) They're alive Ashley, the trees, they're alive!"
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[after becoming possessed] Why have you disturbed our sleep; awakened us from our ancient slumber?
[shouts] You will die! Like the others before you, one by one, we will take you.
[falls to the floor]
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[possessed] I'm all right now, Ashley! Come unlock this chain and let me out! I'm all right now! It's your sister Cheryl!
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[her face is smoking and scarred] I don't know what I would have done if I had remained on those hot coals, burning my pretty flesh.
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Why does she keep making those horrible noises! Her eyes. What's wrong with her eyes? For God's sake, what happened to her eyes???!!
Voice on Recorder
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I believe I have made a significant find in the Kandarian ruins, a volume of ancient Sumarian burial practices and funerary incantations. It is entitled "Naturon Demonto", roughly translated: Book of the Dead. The book is bound in human flesh and inked in human blood. It deals with demons and demon resurrection and those forces which roam the forest and dark bowers of Man's domain. The first few pages warn that these enduring creatures may lie dormant but are never truly dead. They may be recalled to active life through the incantations presented in this book. It is through the recitation of these passages that the demons are given license to possess the living.
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I know now that my wife has become host to a Kandarian demon. I fear that the only way to stop those possessed by the spirits of the book is through the act of... bodily dismemberment.