Lt. Barney Caine
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Let me tell you something. If I didn't have a son that still loved me, I'd blow your fuckin' brains out all over that wall back there... right here, right now. But I'm not in the murder business... and you're not worth one more minute of my time.
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[to Adam Stieffel] What do you know about this nation? Don't you ever give a second thought to American citizens? You're the reason their money's worthless. You're the reason old people are eating out of garbage cans, and kids get killed in bullshit wars. You're not in the oil business; you're in the oil
shortage business! You're an ivory-tower hoodlum-a common street killer. I wish to Christ there was some way I could nail ya'.
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Arthur Clements:
[proposing that Titan Oil can raise its gasoline prices] The people will accept the 12 cents now because we can blame it on the Arabs!
Adam Steiffel: Ah, Arthur, you're missing the point: We
are the Arabs.
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Barney Caine: Check the car.
Sgt. Yosuta: Lieutenant Caine, I gotta talk to you. You know, we're supposed to be working this case together, so let's get some ground rules straight-up front. I have a name and I'd like you to use it-understood?
Barney Caine: You're absolutely right. I should have said, "Check the cars, Louis", or, "Would you be good enough to check the cars, Sergeant Yosuta?" but it's Sunday and I'm not with my son and it bothers me, so you'll forgive my sudden lack of charm, okay?
Sgt. Yosuta: Okay.
Barney Caine: Good-now check the fuckin' car.