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Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Boy that Dammers guy, he sure looks pissed.
Frank Bannister:
[without realizing] Yeah.
[the penny suddenly drops and Frank looks back in surprise at Lucy]
Dr. Lucy Lynskey: Well sometimes Frank, you see when you go through a traumatic experience, it kind of alters your perception.
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Sergeant Hiles: What in the hell is going on out here?!
[The ghosts all gasp and fall back into their graves] Get back in your graves!
Frank Bannister: Aw, son of a-!
Sergeant Hiles: Holy Jesus! Frank Bannister!
Frank Bannister: Go ahead, I'll handle this.
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Sergeant Hiles: What in the hell are you doing in my graveyard?! You have been told to stay way!
Frank Bannister: Yeah, well, it's a public place, Hiles.
Sergeant Hiles: I do not like you! You cannot bring your spooks in here without MY PERMISSION!!! DISAPPEAR, SCUMBAG!!!
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Sergeant Hiles: I am not one of your shitty little emanations, Bannister! You cannot push spirits around! You are scum! Using spooks to put the Frighteners on people!
THAT MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL!!! We got a lot of lowlifes around here!
[He changes into a heavily armed soldier with two guns] And I will provide an armed responses at the first signs of trouble! They must be contained!
[He starts firing his guns everywhere so that all the spirits duck back into their graves]
Frank Bannister: Catch you later, Hiles.
Sergeant Hiles: Hey! My tour of duty runs another 85 years! There's a piece of dirt with your name on it, Bannister! I'm waiting for you, you little maggot!