The Frog Prince (also released as French Lesson) is a 1984 romantic comedy film written and directed by Brian Gilbert. The film was a British and French co-production and was released in the US under the title French Lessons. The story revolves around a young British girl who travels to Paris to go to college, and is determined to find the man of her dreams. It stars Jane Snowden as Jenny.Synopsis
The film tells the story of Jenny, a British teenager, who has left home for the first time and is going to college in Paris in the early 1960s. Soon she is smitten by a local Parisian. Although he is a romantic guy, Jenny wants him to prove his love by reciting a few lines to her from Romeo and Juliet, something he finds a tad idiotic. Jenny is crushed when he outright refuses, but later prevails. From then on she runs into situation after situation in dealing with her crazy friends, a few other young men who find her attractive and, lastly, her French host family headed over by a strict Madame Paroche who is none too pleased to see Jenny having any sort of social life whatsoever.