The Hoax is a 2006 American drama film starring Richard Gere, directed by Lasse Hallström. The screenplay by William Wheeler is based on the book of the same title by Clifford Irving and focuses on the autobiography Irving supposedly helped Howard Hughes write.
Many of the events Irving described in his book were changed or completely eliminated from the film. The author later said, "I was hired by the producers as technical
adviser to the movie, but after reading the final script I asked that my name be removed
from the movie credits.Synopsis
In 1971, publishing executives at McGraw-Hill express an interest in Clifford Irving's novel, Rudnick's Problem, although Fake!, his previous work about art forger Elmyr de Hory, had sold poorly. Irving believes he has a breakout work at last, only to be told that the publishing house has decided against releasing the book after a Life editor deems it unsatisfactory.