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Colonel Hackett: How about you, Mr. Jevries?
Jevries: I've been in my quarters all evening.
Colonel Hackett: Alone I suppose? No visitors?
Jevries: Alone... I was reading.
Colonel Hackett: Where were you, Doctor? Alone too, I suppose?
Dr. Brooks: That's right. Alone and reading.
Colonel Hackett':
[Exasperated] Wasn't anyone doing anything we can check up on?
Dr. Brooks:
[Turning the tables] What were YOU doing?
Colonel Hackett:
[Sheepishly] I was alone and reading too.
Dr. Brooks: Then don't pick on us.
Colonel Hackett: All right, all right.
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Private of the Guard: So, you almost got liquidated, hanh?
Sally: What's that mean... 'liquidated?'
Eddie Pratt: I don't know. I never had any.
Sally: That might mean 'vaccinated.'
Private of the Guard:
[Sarcastically] Yeah, practically the same thing.