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The Journey is a Australien film of genre Documentary directed by Peter Watkins with Peter Watkins

The Journey (1987)

The Journey
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Resan (The Journey) is a 14 ½ hour film by Peter Watkins, made between the years 1983 and 1985 on several continents, and structured around the theme of nuclear weapons, military spending and poverty. Ordinary people are asked about their awareness of these issues. It was screened at the Toronto Film Festival in 1987, but has rarely been seen since.

It was screened at the Mexico City International Festival of Contemporary Cinema (FICCO) in February 2007 as part of a retrospective on Peter Watkins.
Between April 25 and May 1, 2007, all 19 parts of the film were screened at the Austrian Filmmuseum in Vienna, Austria as part of a retrospective on Peter Watkins.


Peter Watkins

(Narrator / Self)
Ronald Reagan

Trailer of The Journey

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Suggestions of similar film to The Journey

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Directed by Peter Watkins
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Science fiction, War, Documentary, Action
Themes Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Documentary films about nuclear technology, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Peter Watkins
Rating79% 3.994153.994153.994153.994153.99415
Filmed in black-and-white with a running time of just under 50 minutes, The War Game depicts the prelude to and the immediate weeks of the aftermath to a Soviet nuclear attack against Britain. A Chinese invasion of South Vietnam starts the war; tensions escalate when the United States authorises tactical nuclear warfare against the Chinese. Although Soviet and East German forces threaten to invade West Berlin if the US does not withdraw that decision, the US does not acquiesce to communist demands and the invasion takes place; two US Army divisions attempt to fight their way into Berlin to counter this, but the Russian and East German forces overwhelm them in conventional battle. In order to turn the tide, the US president authorises the NATO commanders to use their tactical nuclear weapons, and they soon do so. An escalating nuclear war results, during which larger Russian strategic IRBMs are launched at Britain. The film remarks that many Soviet missiles were, at the time, believed to be liquid-fuelled and stored above ground, making them vulnerable to attack, and hypothesises that in any nuclear crisis, the USSR would be obliged to fire all of them as early as possible in order to avoid their destruction by counter-attack, hence the rapid progression from tactical to strategic nuclear exchange.
Culloden (1964)
, 1h9
Directed by Peter Watkins
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Documentary, Historical
Themes Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films
Actors Peter Watkins
Rating77% 3.8854153.8854153.8854153.8854153.885415
16 avril 1746. La bataille de Culloden, dans les landes marécageuses de l'Écosse. Sous les ordres du Duc de Cumberland, les régiments d'élite anglais écrasent les partisans de Charles Edouard Stuart, qui cherchait à renverser le trône de Hanovre à Londres, scellant le sort définitif de l'Écosse. L'ultime bataille à s'être déroulée sur le sol britannique tourne au massacre. Une fois les Highlanders décimés, une impitoyable « pacification » des Hautes terres s’ensuivit. Plus de 2000 Écossais tomberont, victimes des combats et de la féroce répression qui s'abattit sur tout un peuple et sa culture.
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Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Biography, Documentary, Fantasy, Historical
Themes Peinture
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Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter, 20minutes
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Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Historical
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Reagan (2011)

Directed by Eugene Jarecki
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Rating73% 3.678463.678463.678463.678463.67846
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