The Kennedys of Massachusetts is a 1990 TV miniseries that aired on ABC. Focusing mainly on the fifty-four year marriage of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. and Rose Kennedy. The events depicted in the series are based upon the book by Doris Kearns Goodwin titled The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys : An American Saga. The series aired across three nights, and earned an Emmy and a Golden Globe.Synopsis
The series begins in Boston in 1906, prior to John F. Fitzgerald being sworn in as city mayor. The Kennedys, as well as Fitzgerald's daughters, most notably Rose attend the swearing in ceremony. Joe Kennedy is shown to be smitten with Rose. The first episode covers their courtship, education, marriage and growth of their family, as well as Joe's affair with actress Gloria Swanson. Although Rose briefly leaves Joe, John persuades his daughter to return to her husband.