Tasher Desh (English: The Land of Cards) is a 2012 Bengali fantasy film directed by Q. The film has been described as a "trippy adaptation" of the Rabindrath Tagore play by Indian media. It was amazingly praised for its vivid experimental cinematography and interesting style by international critics. It features Soumyak Kanti DeBiswas, Anubrata Basu, Tillotama Shome, Rii, Joyraj Bhattacharjee, Tinu Verghese, and Immaduddin Shah in the lead roles. Tasher Desh made its international premiere on 11 November 2012 at the 7th Rome International Film Festival. The film is having its release in India on 23 August 2013.Synopsis
The story of a prince who escapes his destiny, the prison of his mind. He lands on a fascist island and incites women to revolt. A psychedelic fantasy about destiny and humanity, social control and Utopian revolution.