Krug Stillo
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We don't wanna off someone first night out. I mean, it'd be a shame to get this floor all messed up with blood.
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Goddamn high-class, tight-ass freakos. All that goddamn silverware. Who do they think they are, anyway? People in China eat with sticks, and these freaks got 16 utensils for every pea on the plate.
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Mari, she was a lot tougher than you, doc. She took a while to kill. She was really tough. We had a hard time with her, but you're just a pussy!
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Listen to daddy. I want you to take the gun, and I want you to put it in your mouth, and I want you to turn around and blow your brains out. Blow your brains out. BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!
Fred "Weasel" Podowski
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How'd we get into the sex-crime business anyway? My brother Saul, a plumber, makes twice as much money as I do and gets three weeks vacation, too.
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I wonder what the meanest, foulest, rottenest, woodsiest sex crime ever was? Hey, Krug, what do you think the sex crime of the century was?
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Estelle Collingwood: If God had meant women to go around with their busts exposed, Mari Collingwood, he wouldn't have given us clothes!
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Estelle Collingwood: Mari tells me you're from Manhattan. What does your father do?
Phyllis Stone: Oh, my parents are in the iron and steal business.
Estelle Collingwood: Iron and steel both together? How unusual.
Phyllis Stone: Well, my mother irons and my father steals.
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Dr. John Collingwood: You call the repair service?
Estelle Collingwood: Mmhmmm.
Dr. John Collingwood: Well did you tell them I was a physician and had to have a phone?
Estelle Collingwood: No, actually I told them you were an international bookie, and I was ten-months pregnant with quintuplets!
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Krug Stillo: Are you sure we're not going to put you folks to any trouble?
Dr. John Collingwood: Oh, nonsense! Our home is yours.