El Pisito is a 1959 Spanish comedy film directed by Marco Ferreri. The Spanish Ministry of Culture forced the producers to sign the film as co-directed by Spaniard Isidoro M. Ferry. It was co-written by famous Spanish screenwriter Rafael Azcona, who collaborated with Ferreri throughout his career.
The film was a huge flop when it was released in Spain, but nowadays is a cult classic. The film had troubles with Spanish censorship.
In the film, Marco Ferreri and Carlos Saura appear in cameos.Synopsis
A Madrid à la fin des années 1950, la crise du logement sévit. Rodolpho et Pietra ne se sont toujours pas mariés faute de posséder leur propre appartement. Afin d'en récupérer un, Rodolpho se résigne à épouser la vieille Doña Martina, mourante...