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The Love of Jeanne Ney is a Allemand film of genre Drama directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst with Édith Jéhanne

The Love of Jeanne Ney (1927)

Die Liebe der Jeanne Ney

The Love of Jeanne Ney
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Length 1h40
Genres Drama
Rating71% 3.5885353.5885353.5885353.5885353.588535

The Love of Jeanne Ney (German: Die Liebe der Jeanne Ney, released as Lusts of the Flesh in the United Kingdom) is a 1927 silent German drama film directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst.


Jeanne (Edith Jehanne) is the daughter of Alfred Ney, a French diplomat and political observer. The family is based in Russia during the post-revolutionary civil war. Her father is set up by the scheming Khalibiev, who sells him a list of Bolshevik agents that includes Jeanne's lover, Andreas Labov (Uno Henning). The information is leaked by Alfred's Chinese servant, though Khalibiev isn't implicated. With the revolutionary army about to storm the city, Andreas is forced to execute Jeanne's father. She is horrified, but urges Andreas to run for his life. He warns her that it is she who must run, as the Red Army will soon occupy the town. She escapes with the help of a homely soldier, who's become smitten with her.


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