The Miracle is a South Korean 16-minute short film starring Taemin and Minah, which parodies TV series Master's Sun and The Heirs. It aired on SBS on 29 December 2013 during the SBS Gayo Daejeon.
^ "KPop Stars Will Parody "Master's Sun", "The Heirs" In 2013 Gayo Daejun". December 19, 2013. Retrieved September 30, 2014.Synopsis
Tae Gong-shil (Son Na-eun) gets the request from ghosts to find a way to warm the hearts of everyone in the world. With the help of Kang Woo (Seo In-guk), who introduces her to Kim Tan (Taemin), Tae Gong-shil is able get the help of Cha Eun-sang (Minah). Cha Eun-sang asks the question "When do people's hearts become warm?" on her social network account: various characters and idols answer in different ways that music warms their hearts. Kim Tan, Cha Eun-sang, Joo Joong-won (Jang Wooyoung), and Tae Gong-shil recruit the help of famous composer Kim Hyung-suk, as well as Yoon Chan-young and Lee Bo-na (Krystal) to form the "You Make Miracle-2013 Friendship Project".