Tulley Bascombe
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There isn't a more profitable undertaking for any country than to declare war on the United States and to be defeated.
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Remember, men. There is nothing wrong with surrendering to overwhelming powers, as long as it is done in a military manner.
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Prime Minster Count Rupert Mountjoy: We must declare war on the United States.
Benter: But we can never win such a war!
Prime Minster Count Rupert Mountjoy: Of course not, but we could win the peace. I've given this a lot of thought gentlemen and I'm perfectly positive that I am right. You must remember, the Americans are a very strange people. Whereas other countries rarely forgive anything, the Americans forgive anything. There isn't a more profitable undertaking for any country than to declare war on the United States and to be defeated.
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Tulley Bascombe: Men of Fenwick, where you hear the name of Grand Fenwick do your hearts swell with pride?
Men of Fenwick: Yes!
Tulley Bascombe: And if your country calls will you rush to enlist?
Men of Fenwick: No!
Tulley Bascombe: Oh.
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Air Raid Warden in Physics Lab: Why is it so different from an H-bomb?
Professor Alfred Kokintz: H-bomb? This new bomb is based on quodium, which is 100 times more powerful than hydrogen.
Helen Kokintz: My father uses an H-bomb just to trigger this one.
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Grand Duchess Gloriana: How did the war go?
Tulley Bascombe: Well, Your Grace, we're home. Actually, there's been a slight change of plan. I know it will come as a surprise, a pleasant one, I hope, but we sort of won.
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General Snippet: Remember, men, no matter what they do, don't talk.
U.S. Policeman: What if they torture us?
General Snippet: Just don't talk!
U.S. Policeman: Can we scream a little?