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The Moustache is a french film of genre Drama directed by Emmanuel Carrère released in USA on 6 october 2005 with Vincent Lindon

The Moustache (2005)

The Moustache
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Released in USA 6 october 2005
Length 1h26
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Thriller
Rating65% 3.294863.294863.294863.294863.29486

La Moustache (in English, The Moustache) is a French film from 2005, directed by Emmanuel Carrère and starring Vincent Lindon, and adapted from Carrère's own novel. The film features music from Philip Glass. The film was awarded the Label Europa Cinemas prize at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival and is currently distributed theatrically in the United States by the Cinema Guild with a DVD release handled by Koch-Lorber Films.


La Moustache opens with Marc Thiriez, a middle aged Parisian, taking a bath and asking his wife if he should shave off the moustache he has sported for most of his adult life. His wife, Agnès, wryly comments that she wouldn't recognize him without it, yet as she leaves, Marc shaves the moustache off. Upon her return, Agnès is angry Marc did not let her in the door when she rang. Marc lies and says he broke his shoelace. In the car Marc asks his wife if she notices anything. She does not respond, wanting to know if he thinks she is dressed too sexy for the party. Later that evening, as the two visit their friends Serge (Agnes' first husband) and Nadia, Serge tells a funny story from his marriage to Agnès, how she was sneaky and refused to admit it, even when found out. Agnès again denies the sneakiness. Frustrated that Serge and Nadia also do not notice that Marc has shaven his trademark moustache, Marc fights with Agnès in the car as they return home, frightening Agnès. As they lie in bed that night, another fight over the moustache ensues as Agnès digs in her heels and tells Marc he's never had a moustache and that she fears for his sanity. Agnès phones Nadia and Nadia claims Marc has not had a moustache in fifteen years. Agnès takes a sleeping pill to sleep.


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