The Players Club is a 1998 American comedy/drama film written and directed by Ice Cube, who made his directorial debut and also has a small role in the film. The film stars Bernie Mac, Jamie Foxx, Alex Thomas, Faizon Love, John Amos, Terrance Howard, Anthony Johnson/ A.J. Johnson, Charlie Murphy, Monica Calhoun and introducing LisaRaye.Synopsis
Diana Armstrong (LisaRaye) arrives at the scene of the raunchy, dysfunctional Players Club. She narrates of that she used to work at the club and begun when she moved out of her parents home after an argument with her father, as she was pregnant with her son. Diana ends up working at a shoe store, when she meets Ronnie (Chrystale Wilson) and Tricks (Adele Givens), who work for Dolla Bill (Bernie Mac) at The Players Club. They convince Diana she would make better money stripping, by saying, "Use what you got to get what you want."