The Robber (German: Der Räuber) is a 2010 drama film directed by Benjamin Heisenberg. The film is based on a novel by the Austrian author Martin Prinz, and was shot on location in Vienna. The main character, Johann Rettenberger, is based on Austrian bank-robber and runner Johann Kastenberger. The film was nominated for the Golden Bear at the 60th Berlin International Film Festival.Synopsis
Johann (Andreas Lust) is a convicted felon and marathon runner who has been paroled from prison for attempted armed robbery. Upon his release he immediately continues to commit bank robbery, armed with a shotgun and disguised with a mask. He then moves in with a young social worker and friend, Erika (Franziska Weisz), and the two soon begin a relationship. Johann goes on to win several marathons with record times, and is congratulated by his parole officer.