The Second Chance is a 2006 drama film, directed by veteran musician Steve Taylor. The film won Best Feature Film at the Christian WYSIWYG Film Festival.
The film was released in the United States on February 17, 2006 to a limited number of theaters; the widest release was 87 theaters. As of its close date, March 5, 2006, the film had grossed $463,542.Synopsis
Ethan Jenkins (Michael W. Smith) is a pastor who enjoys working with his well-to-do congregation. At the request of his father, Ethan takes an assignment at Second Chance Church, where he meets Jake Sanders (Jeff Obafemi Carr). Jake is a pastor who lives in a completely different world from that of Ethan, and spends much of his time dealing with poverty, drugs, and crime. The two different lifestyles of these pastors cause an inevitable conflict as these two men try to bridge the divide.