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[whips dogs while using them for dog-sledding] Run! Run!
[jumps from one slope to the other side] Jump! Jump! Land! Land!
[while dogs rest] Rest! Rest!
[after stopping for the night] Now I know we've had a rough day, but I'm sure we can put all that behind us and--
[the dogs maul him] That's my whipping arm!
[the dogs abandon him] Oh, why does everything I whip leave me?
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Does whatever a Spider Pig does.
Can he swing from a web?
No, he can't. He's a pig.
Look out!
He is a Spider Pig.
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[Lisa has a girl talk with Marge about Colin] I still haven't told you the best part! He cares about the environment! No! I still haven't told you the best part! He's got an
[with a heavy Irish accent] Irish brogue!
[In normal voice] No, wait, I still haven't told you the best part! He's not imaginary!
Professor Frink
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People! I have an important announcement. I have been working on a new acid-firing super-drill that can cut through anything.
[Pointing] It's right there... just outside of the dome.
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EPA Soldier: I'm afraid we lost them, sir.
Cargill: Damn it! Well, then you find 'em, and you get 'em back in the dome! And to make sure nobody else gets out, I want roving death squads around the perimeter 24-7! I want 10,000 tough guys, and I want 10,000 soft guys to make the tough guys look tougher! And here's how I want them arranged: tough, tough, soft, tough, soft, soft, tough, tough, soft, soft, tough, soft!
Soldier: Sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power.
Cargill: Of course I have. Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring, no one listens to you.
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[Fat Tony drags a bag towards the lake to get rid of it; feet are poking out of the top and it obviously contains a murder victim]
Wiggum: Sorry, no dumping in the lake.
Tony: Fine. I will go and put my
[air quotes] "yard trimmings" in a car compactor.
Lou: You know, Chief, I thought he had a dead body in there.
Wiggum: I thought that too, right up until he said "yard trimmings". You gotta learn to listen, Lou.
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[After the credits, the Squeaky-Voiced Teen is seen sweeping the theater floor]
Squeaky-Voiced Teen: Assistant Manager isn't all it's cracked up to be.
[pulls a wad of gum off his broom] Four years of film school for
Production quotes
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The idea of the movie is that all of us who ran the show at one point, and who have been there from the beginning come together as the writing team for this movie. ~ James L. Brooks
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We've taken script security to the point of lunacy, although it helped that we wrote it in Aramaic. ~ Mike Scully
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This was enormously challenging, because it involved filling 120 blank pages with an actual story and words people say. ~ James L. Brooks
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I can absolutely guarantee that this film will far exceed the wildest expectations of every Simpsons fan. Start lining up at the theater now, preferably in costume. ~ Al Jean
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It has been rough. We worked at it for a long time and then found out that
Snakes on a Plane was doing the same story. ~ James L. Brooks