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The Sons of Eilaboun is a israelien film of genre Documentary directed by Hisham Zreiq

The Sons of Eilaboun (2007)

The Sons of Eilaboun
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Salem Zreiq

Facebook Share this quote on facebook They started calling young men. "You, come here. You, come here. You, come here." My late brother sat near me. He stood up. He wore a tie, it was spotted. That was the last time we saw him... Enough. I don't want to talk.

Ilan Pappe

Facebook Share this quote on facebook The end result of this was, in the end we know that 531 Palestinian villages were destroyed, 11 towns were destroyed, and more than three quarter of a million Palestinians became refugees.

Melia Zreiq

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I hope God will bring peace to this land, and let the peoples live together — a good life. I hope there will be peace.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook It is good we are still sane. The agony, running Faradiya's slope, and carrying two children, while they were shooting at us.

Botros Matta

Facebook Share this quote on facebook They killed each three in a different Location.