The Straitjacket Lottery is a 2004 film from writer/director Doug Karr starring Andy Jones, David Huband, Tara Slone and Joe Cobden. When Boris Durban loses a busload of mental health patients, he’ll resort to any means in order to get them back. This 22 minute comedic short, set in urban Nova Scotia, is a window into the erratic world of mental health and the thin line between idiosyncrasy and insanity.Synopsis
Boris (Andy Jones), a familiar blue collar worker, is issued his orders for a patient transfer: five mental health patients due at a maximum security facility by eleven o’clock. But when a patient with intense claustrophobia manages to overcome her illness by leading the way for the other patients to escape, Boris is confronted with an empty bus. With the clock ticking, he tries his best to recover the patients, but his attempts are foiled. So, in his compulsion to deliver, Boris decides to fill his quota by enticing some unsuspecting civilians onto the bus.