The Universe of Keith Haring is a 2008 documentary by the filmmaker Christina Clausen about the artist Keith Haring. In the film, the legacy of Haring is resurrected through colorful archival footage and remembered by friends and admirers such as artists Kenny Scharf and Yoko Ono, gallery owners Jeffrey Deitch and Tony Shafrazi. The film was produced by Paolo Bruno, Eric Ellena and Ian Ayres. The film was shown at the Tribeca Film Festival and has been released on DVD. Through interviews with collaborators and friends such as the choreographer Bill T. Jones, the film offers thoughtful reflection 'on a man whose impulse, Jones says, "was to do the work and live the life," it is the passion and commitment we see in the artist himself that makes the most lasting impression.Synopsis
Ami d’Andy Warhol, de Grace Jones, de Madonna et de Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring est l’enfant prodige du pop-art. Son style épuré et son tracé inimitable, qui puisent leurs origines dans la bande dessinée et les graffitis, lui ont valu un succès instantané et planétaire. Dans ce film fort et émouvant, ses amis et complices de toujours retracent le parcours personnel et artistique hors du commun de ce petit prince de la rue, disparu trop tôt en 1991.