Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia (Tourist: In the world of Elementalia) is the Philippines’ first all-digital full-length animated feature film by Cutting Edge Productions, advertised as "tradigital", a mix of traditional animation with 3D animation. It reinvents ghastly images of Philippine mythical creatures into heartwarming characters in a young boy's adventure. This $1.3 million (roughly PHP 58 million) production composed of over 500 local animators features a “tra-digital animation” technique using paperless 2D and 3D technologies. It has 2D animation for its characters and 3D animation for the backdrops.
The production team of Dayo spent several months developing the story, mood, and the whole package of the animation. While writing the script, the writers consulted a book on local mythology by Maximo Ramos entitled Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology. Compared to the usual three-year completion of a traditional full-length animation, this film aimed to be finished within a short span of two years.
Dayo is written by Artemio Abad, Jr. and Eric Cabahug and directed by Robert Quilao. It is among the eight movies (and the first of movie of its kind) that was screened during the 34th Metro Manila Film Festival in December 2008.
The story revolves around Bubuy who has to save his grandparents who were abducted and brought to the strange land called Elementalia, which is home to a host of strange creatures from Philippine mythology. It was an official entry to 34th Metro Manila Film Festival.Synopsis
Dayo is a heartwarming story of overcoming one's fear and succeeding over adversity. The plot revolves around Bubuy (voiced by Nash Aguas) who is out to save his abducted grandparents in the land of Elementalia, a magical and mystical world that houses many of the Philippines' mythical creatures and other enchanted elements. This locally produced animated film aims to reintroduce the other side of mythical creatures like the tikbalang, kapre, manananggal, and aswang by giving a new dimension to these typically reviled creatures.