Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser (1988) is a documentary about the life of bebop pianist and composer Thelonious Monk. Produced by Clint Eastwood, Bruce Ricker, and directed/co-produced by Charlotte Zwerin, it features live performances by Monk and his group, and posthumous interviews with friends and family. The film was created when a large amount of archived footage of Monk was found in the 1980s.
The film, made by Malpaso Productions (Clint Eastwood's production company), is distributed by Warner Bros.Synopsis
Entre 1967 et 1968, les freres Michael et Christian Blackwood suivent et filment pendant six mois Thelonious Monk pendant sa tournee europeenne. Il en resulte une emission pour la television allemande d'une heure. Douze ans plus tard ils en parlent a Bruce Ricker qui contacte aussitot Charlotte Zwerin, la realisatrice. Le financement est difficile mais grace a l'aide de Clint Eastwood, le film peut se realiser. Aux documents des freres Blackwod ont ete ajoutes des documents d'archives et des interviews recentes de ses musiciens.