Tofael: The Tea Stall Boy is a 2013 Bangladeshi short film produced, written and directed by Minhazur Rahman Nayan. The short film was premiered on January 15, 2013 and is based upon an incident involving a Tofael Alam, an honest, innocent tea stall boy. Since its release, the short has been shown at several film festivals. The film's shooting was began and completed at 15 September 2012.
In 2013, the Vagrant Film Festival, Belarus and Free Spirit Film Festival, in India in which it received Audience Award.
In 2014, the film was invited to participate in Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival showing at Orpheum Theater, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA and film was also participate in TOFF - The Online Film Festival. In 2015,the fim was selected for award for the category The Good Deed Award at the BAD Film Festival, an US based film festival held in USA .
A Tofael living and working at Moghbazar one of the most gathering spot in Dhaka, Bangladesh works as a tea stall worker. In spite of his poverty, cupidity and dishonesty cannot pollute his character. One day as he is working he came across a customer (Rafique Natabar) that leaves his cell phone behind after purchasing some tea. Seeing that the customer left his property behind, Tofael sets off to find the man and return his cell phone. When the child worker Tofael gives back his lost cell phone to his customer, the customer thanks him and lifts him up in a rickshaw.The honest tea stall boy feeling heavenly joy that expresses with an innocent smile.