James Bond
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[during a teleconference that Elliot Carver is having with all Carver Media Group Network (CMGN) affiliate bosses]
Elliot Carver: Mr. Wallace, call the President. Tell him if he doesn't sign the bill lowering the cable rates, we will release the video of him with the cheerleader in the Chicago motel room.
Mr. Wallace: Inspired, sir.
Carver: And after he signs the bill, release the tape anyway.
Mr. Wallace: Consider him slimed.
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[during an argument at MI6 headquarters]
Admiral Roebuck: That's preposterous! We know exactly where that ship was positioned! The GPS system - Global Positioning Satellites do not lie!
M: Yes, but our Singapore station picked up a mysterious signal - on the GPS frequency at the time of the attack. It could have sent that ship off course.
I have a missing British frigate-
M: I'm aware of that!
Roebuck: And instead of decisive action, all you want to do is-
M: My goal is to prevent World War III, Admiral, and I don't think sending an armada into the recovery area is the best way to do it.
Defense Minister: Where exactly did this mysterious GPS signal come from?
M: We're still investigating.
Roebuck: "Investigating". With all due respect, M, sometimes I don't think you have the balls for this job!
M: Perhaps. But the advantage is, I don't have to think with them all the time.
Defense Minister: That's enough. Now
where do we stand?
Roebuck: It was an unprovoked attack held in international waters. We send in the fleet for recovery and prepare for full retaliation!
Moderation. We investigate and stop short of sending the entire British Navy within 10 minutes of the world's largest air force.
Defense Minister: When will our ships be in position?
Roebuck: 48 hours.
Defense Minister: Great. The press are already screaming for blood; the last thing we want to do is escalate the situation.
James Bond:
[arrives with a copy of the Tomorrow
newspaper] I'm afraid it may be too late to worry about that.
Defense Minister:
[reads the paper] "Seventeen British sailors murdered"?! "According to Vietnamese officials who recovered the bodies, the victims were riddled with the same ammunition used by the Chinese Air Force."
M: Did you leak this?
Roebuck: NO! This is the first I've heard of it.
Defense Minister: Well, this settles it. We send in the fleet. M, you have 48 hours to investigate.
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James Bond: There is one strange thing. When I called our contact in Saigon, he said the Vietnamese only found our sailors three hours ago.
Charles Robinson: How did they get the paper out so fast?
James Bond: Somebody at
Tomorrow knew before the Vietnamese government did.
M: How much do you know about Elliot Carver, 007?
James Bond: Worldwide media baron. Able to topple governments with a single broadcast. Carver owns that newspaper,
M: I didn't want to discuss this in front of the Minister, but that mysterious signal came from one of Carver's satellites. The PM would have my head if he knew we were investigating him.
[hands Bond a document containing his mission] I'm sending you to Hamburg, 007. We've arranged for you to be invited tonight to a party at Carver's media centre.
Charles Robinson: They're celebrating the launch of a new satellite, because now he has the ability to reach every human being on Earth.
M: Except the Chinese, who've refused broadcast rights.
[rolls down her window and displays documents] James, your ticket, cover story and rental car reservation. Sign here, please.
[as Bond signs one of the documents] I believe you once had a relationship with Carver's wife, Paris?
James Bond: That was a long time ago, M. Before she was married. I didn't realise it was public knowledge.
Moneypenny: Queen and country, James.
M: Your job is to find out whether it was Carver or someone in his organisation who sent that ship off course and why. Use your relationship with Mrs. Carver if necessary.
James Bond: I doubt if she'll remember me.
Remind her. Then pump her for information.
Moneypenny: You'll just have to decide how much pumping is needed, James.
James Bond: If only that were true of you and I, Moneypenny.
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[Bond approaches Paris at the launch party]
James Bond: I always wondered how I'd feel if I saw you again.
[she turns around, looks at him, and slaps him] Now I know. Was it something I said?
Paris Carver: How about the words "I'll be right back"?
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[Carver is gloating over a seemingly beaten Bond]
Elliot Carver: You're too late again, Mr. Bond. It's a bad habit. There's nothing you can do. The missile is fully programmed, it can't be stopped. In a matter of minutes, my plan will succeed, and thanks largely to
your efforts, the British Navy will destroy the evidence.
[Bond surreptiously activates the sea-drill behind them] And I'll be out of here, in a Carver News helicopter covering the event. It's going to be a
fantastic show!
James Bond: I may have some breaking news for you, Elliot.
[Carver notices the approaching drill as it breaks through a window; Bond uses the distraction to overpower him] You forgot the first rule of mass media, Elliot!
Give the people what they want! [Bond leaves Carver in the drill's path]
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[as HMS Bedford
searches for Bond and Wai Lin]
Wai Lin: They're looking for us, James.
James Bond: Let's stay under cover.