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Tora! Tora! Tora! is a american film of genre Drama directed by Richard Fleischer released in USA on 23 september 1970 with Martin Balsam

Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

Tora! Tora! Tora!
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Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Facebook Share this quote on facebook [At a meeting of senior officers discussing the potential for recalling the fleet if a peaceful solution is reached, some officers are disheartened about it and voice their thoughts. Yamamoto will have none of it]

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Enough! If any commander here is inclined to reject an order to return when the path for peace is open, let him resign now! [nobody else speaks] Finally, gentlemen, many misinformed Japanese believe that America is a nation divided, isolationist, and that Americans are only interested in enjoying a life of luxury, and are spiritually and morally corrupt. But that is a great mistake. If war becomes inevitable, America would be the most formidable foe that we have ever fought. I've lived in Washington and studied at Harvard, so I know that the Americans are a proud and just people.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Capt. Kameto Kuroshima AKA Gandhi: [fumes at being invited to a luncheon meeting with Yamamoto and other officers] Please don't bother me! This is important matter for the Combined Fleet, so I'm not going! [slaps hand on Operation Z ops plan] Genda's plan for attacking Pearl Harbor is foolproof. It's brilliant! He stresses the importance of combat aircraft. [goes into trance as officer slips away] Just think of it, we use six aircraft carriers...torpedo planes, high-level bombers, dive bombers...Zero fighters for cover. Go the northern route, use the new torpedoes...we attack on a weekend. Genda has thought of everything... refueling, the weather.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Captain Logan Ramsey: [seeing a Japanese dive bomber fly low overhead, thinking it a US aircraft disrupting the flag ceremony; to fellow officer] Get that guy's number, Dick, I'll report him for safety violations! [To both men's puzzlement the plane deliberately drops a bomb on the nearby base]


Facebook Share this quote on facebook [USAAF 2nd Lts. Ken Taylor and George Welch are curious about an order for them to be on standby at Haleiwa]
2nd Lt Ken Taylor: You know why we're being transferred.
2d Lt George Welch: Them poker games. Been winning too often.
Taylor: Yeah. Some sucker loses his shirt, so he bitches to the general.
Welch: That's it.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook [The Opana Point radar station's crew alerts the Pearl Harbor Intercept Center about an incoming flight of planes]
Pvt. George Elliot: Sir, this is Private Elliot at Opana Point. There's a large formation of planes coming in from the north - 140 miles, three degrees east.
Lt. Kermit Tyler: Yeah? Well... Don't worry about it. [Hangs up; to fellow officer] The boys at Opana Point must have picked up the B-17s coming in from the mainland.
Elliot: [replaces phone; to colleague] He said not to worry about it.
Pvt. Joseph Lockard: Come on, let's go eat.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook [Lt Kaminski calls up 14th Naval District commander Capt John Earle regarding an alert from the USS Ward]
Lt. Harold Kaminski: [reads Ward's message] "Have dropped depth charges on a sub operating in our security zone".
Capt. John Earle: [Sighs] We've had so many of these false sightings, Kaminsky.
Kaminski: Yes, sir, but never one this close before. Just off the harbor entrance.
Earle: Yeah, but you know as well as I, the skipper of that destroyer's a green kid. I'll pass word on to Admiral Bloch.
Kaminski: Will all due respect, sir, I think we should alert all commanders.
Earle: Confirmation, Kaminski. I WANT CONFIRMATION.
[Later, after arriving at the office, Earle is shocked to see the entire fleet on fire]
Kaminski: You wanted confirmation, Captain? [gestures to the burning harbor] Take a look! THERE'S YOUR CONFIRMATION!


Facebook Share this quote on facebook The incredible attack on Pearl Harbor.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook From 20th Century Fox. The most spectacle film ever made.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook The incredible attack on Pearl Harbor as told from both the American and Japanese sides.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook The most spectacular film ever made.