Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
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[At a meeting of senior officers discussing the potential for recalling the fleet if a peaceful solution is reached, some officers are disheartened about it and voice their thoughts. Yamamoto will have none of it] Share this quote on facebook
Enough! If any commander here is inclined to reject an order to return when the path for peace is open, let him resign
[nobody else speaks] Finally, gentlemen, many misinformed Japanese believe that America is a nation divided, isolationist, and that Americans are only interested in enjoying a life of luxury, and are spiritually and morally corrupt. But that is a great mistake. If war becomes inevitable, America would be the most formidable foe that we have ever fought. I've lived in Washington and studied at Harvard, so I know that the Americans are a proud and just people.
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Capt. Kameto Kuroshima AKA Gandhi:
[fumes at being invited to a luncheon meeting with Yamamoto and other officers] Please don't bother me! This is important matter for the Combined Fleet, so I'm not going!
[slaps hand on Operation Z ops plan] Genda's plan for attacking Pearl Harbor is foolproof. It's brilliant! He stresses the importance of combat aircraft.
[goes into trance as officer slips away] Just think of it, we use six aircraft carriers...torpedo planes, high-level bombers, dive bombers...Zero fighters for cover. Go the northern route, use the new torpedoes...we attack on a weekend. Genda has thought of everything... refueling, the weather.
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Captain Logan Ramsey:
[seeing a Japanese dive bomber fly low overhead, thinking it a US aircraft disrupting the flag ceremony; to fellow officer] Get that guy's number, Dick, I'll report him for safety violations!
[To both men's puzzlement the plane deliberately drops a bomb on the nearby base] Dialogue
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[USAAF 2nd Lts. Ken Taylor and George Welch are curious about an order for them to be on standby at Haleiwa]
2nd Lt Ken Taylor: You know why we're being transferred.
2d Lt George Welch: Them poker games. Been winning too often.
Taylor: Yeah. Some sucker loses his shirt, so he bitches to the general.
Welch: That's it.
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[The Opana Point radar station's crew alerts the Pearl Harbor Intercept Center about an incoming flight of planes]
Pvt. George Elliot: Sir, this is Private Elliot at Opana Point. There's a large formation of planes coming in from the north - 140 miles, three degrees east.
Lt. Kermit Tyler: Yeah? Well... Don't worry about it.
[Hangs up; to fellow officer] The boys at Opana Point must have picked up the B-17s coming in from the mainland.
[replaces phone; to colleague] He said not to worry about it.
Pvt. Joseph Lockard: Come on, let's go eat.
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[Lt Kaminski calls up 14th Naval District commander Capt John Earle regarding an alert from the USS Ward
Lt. Harold Kaminski:
[reads Ward's message] "Have dropped depth charges on a sub operating in our security zone".
Capt. John Earle:
[Sighs] We've had so many of these false sightings, Kaminsky.
Kaminski: Yes, sir, but never one this close before. Just off the harbor entrance.
Earle: Yeah, but you know as well as I, the skipper of that destroyer's a green kid. I'll pass word on to Admiral Bloch.
Kaminski: Will all due respect, sir, I think we should alert
all commanders.
Earle: Confirmation, Kaminski. I WANT CONFIRMATION.
[Later, after arriving at the office, Earle is shocked to see the entire fleet on fire]
Kaminski: You wanted confirmation, Captain?
[gestures to the burning harbor] Take a look!