Under Jakob's Ladder is an independent drama film by CubeCity Entertainment. Based on a true story, it tells how a teacher named Jakob is arrested and thrown into a Soviet prison in the early 1940s. Mann Munoz directed the film and Roberto Munoz produced. Jeff Stewart plays the lead role of Jakob Seel. The film also stars were Christopher Elliott, Sal Rendino, Quentin McCuiston, Sean Patrick Folster, Matthew R. Staley, Chloe Roe, and Ken Jennings.
The film is set in the Soviet Union prior to World War II. It features the lives of the ethnic minority Germans from Russia.Synopsis
Jakob Seel (Jeff Stewart) struggles with his growing sense of worthlessness after he is dismissed from his position as a teacher in a Soviet village. A neighbor asks him to say a prayer at the funeral of her brother. He agrees, even though he knows it is illegal. But Jakob is reported and he is arrested by the secret police later that night. They take him from his daughter and granddaughter, Marta (Chloe Roe).